The Diary of KES

Herein is the diary of Karl Eric Stanwell, a man whom we should all know. To know him is to know a man of the highest order. He is a refined man whose insights are so valuable, you should not hesitate to send monetary tokens upon each and every bit of enlightenment. Please make your checks payable to Olie, Mr. Stanwell's writer. Thank you.

My Photo
Location: Auburn, Georgia, United States

I live in Auburn, Georgia with my wife Venessa and sons Brody and Zane. We share a house with a dog named Georgie, a Burmese cat named KiKi, an albino Bull snake and an albino San Diego Gopher snake.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Welcome to my diary

My name is Karl Eric Stanwell, and as any upstanding fellow does, I have a writer. My writer's name is Olie Sylvester. I hear he's a fine bloke, although I must admit to having never met him. Word is, he's brilliant, albeit in a Moriarty kind of secretive way. Enough about him, this little place in time is all about me. Please, sit back, pack your pipe with your favorite blend, poor a stiff one, and allow my stories to delight you. I hope that by having my diary available for one and all, it will somehow strengthen humanity as it shows what pitfalls I myself have had to overcome. My triumphs and tribulations are here word by word that you may bask, enjoy and learn.


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